Tuesday, March 23, 2010

a day full of sad news.......a day full of bad news

well.....here i am.....scribbling on my first ever blog. it couldn't have been a worse day to start with....
the day began at midnight......while i was busy uploading pictures of 'iempact-10' on the net,
my father called me up.......'shejo dadur cerebral attack hoeche......ekhon comae chole geche'.......shejodau is my fathers own uncle......
next up......it was microsoft in the morning.........my computer had just finished updating itself.....suddenly this bill gates brainchild finds that the version of windows 7 that i'm using is not genuine and will cause problem in future.........as if everybody in this universe buy windows 7 originl version paying 10000 rupees.....
then the shocker came in the evening...........while i was returning from the hospital after paying a visit to 'shejodadu'........sohini txtd me.....informing that rickda's office had caught fire..........
i hurried back home.......[i mean i wanted to.......but the asshole of kolkata traffic made the journey 2 hours long].....and found that his office is being gunned down by hosepipes.......6 dead and more than 30 injured critically..........hope that these poor souls rest in peace and those who are in pieces.....heal soon.....also hope that my rickda shrugs this 'nightmare in broad daylight' off and gets back to work as soon as possible......

hope my 'tommorow' is better one tommorow......'sigh'ning off.....homeless


  1. Lucid and heartfelt. :)
    Hope you have a better tomorrow.God bless.!

    Ps.-The pic is hot. >:P
